380,761 GA votes were destroyed in 2020


On May 7th, Georgia Election Officials said 380,761 ballot images from 2020 in Atlanta’s Fulton County, Georgia, had been:

  • spoiled

  • erased, or

  • destroyed.

Two state bureaucrats called them “missing.”

The missing ballot images were counted and certified anyway in November 2020.

Georgia’s Election Officials said, “At that time, a ballot image wasn’t required” to count it as a valid vote.

It is marked at 5:12:40 of this video:


That fraud is 72% of the 528,777 votes counted as valid in 2020 by Fulton County.

The bureaucrats making that admission were:

Neither has any experience investigating election fraud issues.

Charlene McGowan (left) and Michael Brunson


No federal or Georgia state government agency investigated the Dominion voting security breach of November 2020.

According to Dominion, they had the contract to provide Georgia with their voting systems.


No cyber claim on behalf of the citizens of Georgia was filed either.


Charlene said because it was within Dominion’s “accepted margin of error of .25%,” which is one-fourth of one percent.

Because of the fraud, Joe Biden won Georgia by a margin of 0.23% or 11,779 votes.

Georgia said 4,935,487 people voted in 2020.

According to Dominion’s standards, their margin of error was an “acceptable” 12,338 votes.

The wrong person was elected President in 2020.

Details are in this story:

Runbeck's Russian software counts fake mail-in ballots

Up until May 7th, Fulton County’s fraud was covered up.

Charlene’s report by the State of Georgia was presented and discussed at an eight-hour hearing of their State Election Board.

The eight-hour meeting is linked here:


However, McGowan’s report was never released to the public.

She gave it to the Georgia State Election Board members on May 7th.

The five members are:

None of them released it.

A public information request for the report has been filed.

So, who destroyed Georgia’s election data from 2020?

Judge Amy Totenberg did.


She didn’t want to see Donald J. Trump re-elected President.

Her statement given to the AP from April 2021 has since been deleted.

Who else is to blame?

Homeland Security tabulates Dominion’s votes at the Idaho Labs.

Details are in this story:


Charlene McGowan (left) with Chris Carr. He was elected GA Attorney General (AG) in November 2022.

Tip from:


How electronic poll books will steal the Nov. 5th Election


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