CCP’s State Street owns Dominion

The CCP is the China Communist Party.

The Chinese Army owns the CCP.

American companies operating in China know that the CCP owns and controls them.

Who said the CCP owns and controls U.S. Dominion Voting Systems?

Shen Li did.

He is head of Global Markets for State Street, a custodial bank headquartered in Beijing, China.

As custodians, State Street can buy, sell, or hold securities for their clients.

The investor is not the "holder of record" of the securities.

Instead, they are the "beneficial owner" of the securities.

State Street has $117 trillion in its custody.

Its transactions happen instantly.

They have 22 branches in the U.S., including New York City.

Aug. 6th, 2023

Please fast forward to six minutes and 14 seconds.

According to this Dominion press release dated July 16th, 2018, Staple Street Capital in New York bought them.

Dominion calls itself a “vote tabulation company.”

According to Dominion’s Eric Coomer, their Head of Security, Homeland Security tabulates their votes at Idaho Labs.

The nation’s emergency broadcast system is controlled there.

Details are in this story:

On Nov. 23rd, a breach occurred at Idaho Labs.

The Lab confirmed that “hundreds of thousands of user, employee, and citizen data,” including full names, social security numbers, bank account information, and addresses, were stolen.

How much data was stolen?

Details were never provided beyond the initial breach.

Where is Staple Street Capital?

According to their brochure, they are in the same office as Beijing’s State Street Bank.

Staple Street’s contact information is imaged below:


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