FBI said MN Somali-Muslim groups stole $244 million meant to feed poor kids


According to the FBI:

  • “ . . . none of the money has been used to feed children”

  • “the scheme is ongoing”

  • “conspirators have stolen millions in federal funds” for personal use

Instead of feeding needy children, the FBI said the money was laundered to buy:

  • seven pieces of real estate, including a $500,000 property in Kenya

  • unspecified cars

  • “other luxury items”, also unidentified

  • gambling trips to Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, NV

So far, no one has been arrested.

All court documents have been sealed.

Somali TV of Minneapolis, Minnesota broadcast the conspirator’s party.

Only Aimee Bock, Director of Feeding Our Future MN, is identified in the video.

She claims she is innocent.

Enjoy watching the party:

The primary source of this story is the 97-page Arrest Warrant filed in the District Court of Minnesota in Minneapolis on Jan. 12th.

It was supposed to be sealed.

The warrant appeared in a story in Law Enforcement Today.

Their story is linked here:


The arrest warrant is linked here:


The FBI said that $244,408,906 was stolen over the last four years.

This is an image on Page 14 of 97 pages.

Who does the FBI think directed the scam?

The evidence points to Keith Ellison, Minnesota Attorney General.


He was second in command of the DNC (Democrat National Committee) during Hillary Clinton's Campaign for President in 2016.


Ellison failed to bring charges in this case because the FBI believes he is a conspirator.

Other conspirators in Ellison’s family include:

  • Kim, his wife, Minneapolis School Board President

  • Jeremiah, his son, Minneapolis City Council member


The FBI also said that six pieces of real estate were bought with laundered money.

The addresses of those properties are listed here:

Page two is marked page three of 97 pages

Color photos of the properties are in the Arrest Warrant.

A partial list of a dozen phony charities and businesses that illegally converted the money for personal are linked in this image:

For updates on this story, please refer to this local website:


How much of the $244 million was reinvested in child trafficking?

Fourteen-year-old girls were rented by the week to long-haul truckers for sex. Their routes went from Minneapolis through Columbus, Ohio and Nashville, TN.

And back.


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