Feds pay NGOs to buy and sell children

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) led a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Nov. 25th. It was called “Trafficked, Exploited, and Missing: Migrant Children Victims of the Biden-Harris Administration.”

Child slavery remains legal in the U.S. until the tax money that fuels it stops.

According to Congress, the Federal Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) funds it.

Their four-page report dated Sept. 15th, 2022 is linked here:


But here is the smoking gun 18-page report from the Inspector General of Homeland Security dated Aug. 19th:

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According to Homeland Security (DHS) and Immigration (ICE), their departments are unable to track or locate 448,000 unaccompanied children who entered the U.S. illegally to fuel the child sex slavery trade.

It was HHS who destroyed their records. Neither DHS nor ICE (Customs & Immigration) can find these children.

Who was the person Joe Biden put in charge of this fiasco?

Cass Sunstein.

He is an attorney and political operative of Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.


Sunstein’s wife is Samatha Powers.

She is the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

Illegal immigrants board vans after waiting along the border wall to surrender to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Border Patrol agents for immigration and asylum claim processing upon crossing the Rio Grande River into the United States on the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, on May 11, 2023. (Patrick T. Fallon/AFP via Getty Images)


Once trafficked children are smuggled into America, non-governmental organizations or NGOs:

  • provide a place for the smuggled children to stay

  • arrange travel to the smugglers’ destination of choice.

NGOs are the final leg in the child trafficking sex trade.

NGOs act like the federal government without:

  • oversight

  • accountability, or

  • audits

Until the money stops and audits begin.


Last year, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spent 25.4% of the federal budget, totaling $1.7 trillion.

It was 12% of the federal budget in 1980.

This year’s HHS budget is the same, plus an additional $130.7 billion in discretionary funds.


What is meant by “discretionary”?

Blank checks or “Unknown payments.”

According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), they accounted for $44.6 billion or 19% of federal government “improper” spending in 2023.

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Congress appropriates money from an ever-increasing HHS budget to 1.5 million NGOs to pay for these services using blank checks.

States, counties, and cities launder blank checks through three HHS agencies.

They are the:

  • Office of Administration for Children & Families.

  • Office of Family Assistance.

  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

According to the Congressional Research Service report dated Dec. 10th, “improper payments” from the federal government were $2.7 trillion from 2004-2023.


Please read line three of the text image below:

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President Donald J. Trump has ordered audits of all NGOs receiving federal money.

The Carter Center is at the top of the list.


Other HHS primary sources are:




NGO trustees are liable for repaying stolen grant money uses to traffic children.

Details are in this story:


Tip from KoronaKnievel19 at:


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