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Judges join Dominion in withholding criminal evidence

Conspirator Judge Jeffery S. Matis

Conspirator and Public Enemy Number One is Judge One Jeffery S. Matis.

He is an Oakland County, Michigan Circuit Judge in Lansing.

In the above photo from his courtroom, Matis uses a Dell computer.

The hardware and technology that Dominion voting systems use to steal elections.

Details are in this story:

Matis also uses Zoom videoconferencing as a substitute for in-person court hearings.

Even though he knows that Zoom puts Oakland County’s digital infrastructure, including voting results, at risk.


Even Zoom admits it stores customers’ data in China, endangering national security.

These entities and others have banned Zoom over four years ago:

  • Google

  • NASA

  • U.S. Senate

Also, China owns Dominion’s 16 patents for their voting software.

Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, was part of the team that helped China buy them.

Hunter Biden is in the middle. Jim Bulger, Whitey Bulger’s nephew, is on the far left. The rest of the Founders Group are unidentified.

Details are in this five-year-old story:

Two weeks ago, Matia approved a media request to broadcast and record Stefanie Lambert's trial.

It starts Monday at 8:30 a.m.

Who is Stefanie Lambert?

An attorney in Detroit, Michigan.

This is the case number:

What are the charges?

They are listed here:

Does it matter?

Judge Matis has already found her guilty.

The AP (Associated Press) captured the Judge’s prejudice and courtroom demeanor against Stefanie in this video:

This video below is from three days ago.

It is Stefanie’s version of her arrest by U.S. Marshals in Washington, D.C.

Please fast forward this video linked to 14 minutes, 31 seconds.

Lambert was:

  • strip-searched

  • placed in leg irons

  • handcuffed to a table

For a misdemeanor charge of “failure to appear.”

Lambert paid a $10,000 cash bond to be released from jail.

What else did Stefanie do to get Matia enflamed?

She represents Patrick Byrne, a Trump supporter.

U.S. Dominion Voting Systems are suing him for defamation.

This is the case number:

Moxila A. Upadhyaya, the Judge in the U.S. Dominion versus Byrne case, is a Magistrate in the Federal District Court in Washington, D.C.

She is co-conspirator two with Judge Matis.

Co-conspirator Magistrate Judge Moxila A. Upadhyaya

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New Recording

On March 18th, Dominion admitted in sworn testimony that they had entered over a million documents into the court record.

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The 93-page transcript cost $93 and can be opened using this link:

It was received yesterday at 1 p.m. from the court reporter.

However, none of the evidence is accessible to the public.

Nor to other law enforcement agencies until last week.

That’s when Lambert told Judge Moxila she released 2173 Dominion emails to law enforcement.


Because they contained evidence that Dominion was engaging in fraud and a criminal conspiracy to steal elections.

Stefanie’s first data dump was sent to Dar Leaf, the Sheriff in Barry County, Michigan.

Sheriff Leaf posted them on Twitter using this link:

See this content in the original post

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Page 31 of 93 pages

Both Judges in the Lambert cases want to block the release of more Dominion evidence.

It is as if Dominion is paying them.

They are devising their legal strategies to punish Stefanie.

What will her fines and jail time be?

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How did Stefani outsmart the judges and Dominion?

No laws exist that block the release of criminal information to an open criminal investigation.

No matter.

The Judges will invent their own laws to make it a crime.

Only one transcript out of 434 records is reported on the court record.

It is if there is no record of the Lambert case.


So, when the case is appealed, there is no record for the Appeals Court to review.

Also, there is no signed criminal complaint in the court record.

The case should have been dismissed, but Judge Matis has already denied it.

See this content in the original post