China-Mexican Cartel barters fentanyl for fish bladders

The Dragon Cartel combines criminal bosses from China with Mexico.

The Chinese bosses export chemicals used to make fentanyl to Mexico.

The Mexican bosses barter fish bladders for the Chinese fentanyl components.

The Three Port Shipping Route Triangle for the fentanyl-fish criminal exchanges is from China to:

  • Vancouver, Canada

  • Los Angeles, California

  • Manzanillo, Mexico

The shortest route to Canada from China is Vancouver.

The shortest route to the U.S. from China is Los Angeles.

The trade route from China to LA is shorter than from China to Vancouver.

From LA or Vancouver, goods are shipped anywhere in Asia or Europe.

From Mexico’s Port of Manzanillo, 26 shipping lines have access to 74 ports in Asia, Australia, and South America.

Totoaba bladders (above) are for sale at a market in China. When caught, poachers cut out the bladder and throw the rest away.

The fish is called Totoaba.

The are in the Gulf of California, nowhere else.

Totoaba bladders sell for $80,000 per kilogram in China.

A kilo is 2.2 pounds.

The bladders are an ingredient in medicine and cosmetics.

On April 13, 2023, U.S. Customs officers in Arizona seized 270 fish bladders worth $2.7 million hidden in frozen fillets.

They had no idea they disrupted a fentanyl cartel transaction.

China’s container goods account for 40% of Manzanillo’s volume. It is the largest seaport in Latin America, more significant than either Brazil or Panama.

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