Biden invents new secret spy court

The above photo taken on Nov. 14th by the Justice Department failed to identify Garland’s picks for Judges. However, most are named in its press release below:

The new Biden Secret Court casts a surveillance net over the U.S. and Europe.

International Law makes this spying legal.

By calling it intelligence gathering.

Biden’s new court allows U.S. companies, governments, and other entities to send their customers’ personally identifiable information (PII), including health records, to Europe and vice versa.

This data can be sent, stored, and sold to the highest bidder.

Like BlackRock.

Voting machine systems like Dominion, PollChief, Runbeck, and 41 others are using it to rig the Nov. 5th Presidential Election.

Feds let 44 companies rig elections

The Pentagon has 22 examples of what they consider to be PII.

Their list is linked here:

What are the crimes, fines, and penalties?

The Justice Department can determine that based on unproven accusations.

After the fact.

The powers of the new court are dictated, controlled, and enforced by one person—the U.S. Attorney General (AG), Merrick Garland.

He appoints the judges.

Six were sworn in Tuesday.

Without Senate approval.

The Judges have lifetime terms.

Eight of the ten judges are named here:

Of the 116,901 people who work for the Justice Department, they have 24,520 “Criminal Investigators”.

What are the fines and penalties?

Up to the higher of:

  • ten million euros, $10,914,500, or

  • four percent of gross sales.

The fines are then distributed to the:

The new spy court reports to the European Commission.

A subset of the United Nations (UN).

They have a common goal—to create a one-world government.

Biden’s new court supersedes the:

  • Constitution

  • federal courts

  • the U.S. Supreme Court

When does the new court meet?


What cases are they deciding?

Who will be jailed and sent to prison?


For how long?

For what violations and crimes?

All are to be determined at a future date.

Without public disclosure.

Provisions of the New Biden Court include:

  • its judges are independent and do not work for the U.S. or the American people

  • they cannot be fired

  • their decisions are final and cannot be appealed

  • defendants have no right to independent counsel

  • laws are created at the whim of the Attorney General (AG)

  • the European Commission can overrule him

Images of these legally binding provisions are imaged in red below:

Paragraph Ten

Joe Biden and Congress made the new court on Oct. 7th.

When Biden signed an executive order to establish a Data Protection Review Board (DPRB).

Thirty days later, Congress made it law by doing nothing to rescind it.


China’s voting machine systems are exempt from sanctions


Judge ordered the transfer of the LADA’s Eugene Yu-Konnech evidence to an Atlanta court on Jan. 24th