303 Foreign Trade Zones stymie Trump’s tariff plan to replace the income tax

Video dated Nov. 13th from Port Houston, Texas.


Tariffs are taxes paid on goods that come into America.

Before the income tax, tariffs provided the money to run the federal government.

President Donald J. Trump wants to eliminate the income tax and replace it with tariffs on goods coming from countries like:

  • China

  • Mexico

  • Canada

What stymies that plan?

Trade Free Zones (TFZ).

As of November, Port Houston says no tariffs are paid on goods entering and leaving their Trade Free Zone (TFZ).

Tariffs are taxes on foreign goods.

America has 303 Trade Free Zones (TFZ).

The U.S. Department of Commerce lists them using this link:


Allegedly, tariffs are paid somewhere down the line.

Where, how, and when?

Enforced by who?

The U.S. Customs and Borders Patrol.


Tariffs have been around since July 4th, 1789.



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