After 20 years, U-M stops selling national security research to the CCP
On Friday, the University of Michigan stopped selling its national security research to the China Communist Party (CCP).
This party is owned and operated by China’s Army.
It rules China’s government.
On Saturday, the CPP’s Media confirmed the Michigan story.
China said its partnership with the University of Michigan started in 2005.
What took so long to end it?
In 20 years, how much money did China pay the U-M for what?
It included:
defense and drone technology
biomedical research, including COVID-19
election data
Because none of the Grant money has been returned, the U-M Board of Trustees may have to pay it out of their pockets.
Last year, total grants were $2 billion.
Where are their contracts?
The CCP’s story on the University of Michigan is linked here:
Santa Ono, President, the University of Michigan
According to the Wall Street Journal, over 200 American universities get paid by China for U.S. defense research.
On September 28th, 2023, Stanford University was fined $1.9 million for selling its defense research to China.
The Stanford defense contracts, dated July 2015 through December 2020, were with the following:
Air Force
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Page Nine of Ten Pages dated Sept. 28th, 2023
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The 10-page settlement agreement is linked here:
The settlement sealed the names of the 12 Stanford Professors China paid to sell them their defense research.
They kept their jobs.
Unless criminal charges are filed by June next year, the Stanford research teams and their Board of Trustees will receive immunity from prosecution for treason.
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Leland Stanford Junior University is the same as Stanford University in California.
More details about Stanford hiring professors working for universities in China are in this story dated Oct. 27th, 2023.
It is linked here:
The FBI never investigated or recommended prosecution of anyone at Stanford University, including its Board of Trustees.