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How electronic poll books will steal the Nov. 5th Election

EPBS are Election Poll Book Systems.

Please fast forward to 11 minutes and eight seconds.

The November 5th Presidential Election will be stolen using electronic poll books.

These wireless systems save and store signature images of registered voters.

One company, Runbeck Voting Systems, has access to 90 million of them.

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Those images will be used to submit fake mail-in ballots for those who don’t vote.

Up to half of registered voters never do.

Runbeck can print a million phony mail-in votes a day.

Companies that sell electronic book books are:

  • ESSvote (partners with Dominion)

  • KNOWiNK Robis Elections Inc.

  • Tenex Software Solutions

  • VOTEC (partners with Konnech)

The States in “green” below use these “Electronic Polls Books.”

Tip from the Electronic Assistance Commission (EAC).

It is a phony federal government agency funding federal control of elections.

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