Konnech admits violating its LA contract
Harry the Greek
The affidavit imaged above is evidence.
It will be submitted Monday at 8:30 a.m. in the Konnech CEO Eugene Yu criminal conspiracy case.
Will Jianwei “Eugene Wei” Yu show up in court?
Or did his defense team get him excused?
Details are in this story:
Luis Nabergoi, Konnech’s Technical Director, admitted his company violated its contract with the Los Angeles Commissioners.
The contract said LA’s data would be kept in LA.
It wasn’t.
Instead, it went to Konnech’s offices in:
Okemos, Michigan
Lansing, Michigan
LA’s data was also stored on Microsoft Azure, a cloud-based disaster recovery site.
Michigan State University served as the conduit to send LA’s data to Wuhan, China.
Where else did it go?
Los Angeles failed to cancel their Konnech contract for the Nov. 8th Election.
Was it to get Karen Bass elected Mayor through fraudulent votes?
LA had other grounds for canceling their Konnech contract.
Konnech headquarters in Michigan was closed on Oct. 14th.
Konnech CEO Eugene Yu fled the country with his wife, Donna Wang, on Nov. 9th after cashing out a $500,000 cash bond.
Yu’s bond in Michigan was a million dollars because he was arrested while trying to flee the country.
He was caught boarding a plane at the airport in Lansing.
Nabergoi’s affidavit was released today by the Ingham County Mason, Michigan Clerk of Courts Office.
The public information request was made on Oct. 10th.
RE: FOIA REQUEST of October 10, 2022, Reference # W046271-101022