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Konnech’s suit against True the Vote will be dismissed


Because True the Vote, a non-profit, told the truth.

The proof is in the evidence filed in Houston Federal Court last Friday.

Details are in this story:

What is the truth?

Election data is stored in Wuhan, China using voting software like Konnech.

Details are in this story:

When will it be dismissed?

After next year’s Nov. 5th Presidential Election.

Since Konnech attorneys are being paid by the hour, they have no incentive to dismiss the case now.

What if they don’t?

They risk losing their licenses for practicing law.

For what?

For filing a frivolous million-dollar defamation lawsuit against True the Vote, a non-profit.

Konnech's lawyers have already made their decision.

Take the money and assume the risk.

Here is the contact information for Konnech’s lawyers:

Konnech lawyer, Dino Pamphilis

By the way, Constantine prefers to be called “Dino.”

Also, True the Vote can fight back.

They can file a counterclaim for wrongful imprisonment.

What are the damages for being thrown into jail illegally for four days?

Ask the defendants, Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.

They were billed for their jail cell at $85.61 daily, payable in advance.

Their detention was reversed on appeal.

Then there are punitive damages and attorneys fees.

Dino was responsible for the fiasco.

Details are in this story:

Since Konnech CEO Eugene Yu has fled the country with his family and returned to China, he cannot be prosecuted.

Los Angeles County Prosecutors are scrambling to find co-conspirators still in the U.S.

The next evidence hearing in the Eugene Yu case is on April 11th.

Details are in this story.