Probation on Weds. for Longoria in Bush-Barr adoption fraud network case in Cleveland
Robin Renee Longoria, second from the right, with her family. Her son posted this photo on Facebook four years ago.
Steven Jumes, defense attorney
Robert Mueller, former FBI Director, signed this certificate.
The fix is in.
According to Robin Renee Longoria’s sealed seven-page filing today in Cleveland Federal Court.
On Weds. at 12:30 p.m., she anticipates getting:
restitution of $78,000
Instead of ten to 30 years in jail for:
selling children
money laundering
bribing judges
No details were given on what the restitution is for.
Or who is supposed to get paid the $78,000.
That is why Robin took a plea deal without knowing what the maximum sentence would be.
She was never going to jail.
Longoria worked for the criminal network called European Adoption Consultants (EAC).
It is in the Cleveland suburb of Strongsville, Ohio.
EAC has been operating for 41 years without ever being caught for its crimes against children.
Other co-conspirators in the same criminal enterprise are detailed in this story:
More details of the Bush-Barr network’s crimes are in this story:
Longoria helped run a criminal network of 574 named defendants that made $200 million from 8000 fraudulent international adoptions since 1991.
In her plea deal, Robin admitted being part of a criminal conspiracy that paid off two Judges in Uganda.
For fraudulent paperwork to buy children from Uganda.
To sell them in the U.S.
A copy of her signed plea deal dated Sept. 19th, 2019, is in this story linked here:
CNN sent a news crew to Uganda to verify the criminal conspiracy.
Their story is in this ten-minute video called “Kids for Sale”:
Where did $200 million go?
What happened to the children?
Why are European Adoption Consultants (EAC) allowed to continue to operate?
Prosecutors from Cleveland to Washington, D.C. are in on the fix.
How about the Judge?
On Wednesday, Judge James Gwin has a choice:
accept and sign Longoria’s plea deal
sentence her to ten years in jail
Or reject the deal.
And include prosecutors as co-conspirators.
Bill Barr, former Attorney General, fixed the case.
To protect the Bush Foundation from being connected to the EAC child trafficking hub in Cleveland.
Robin Longoria’s sentencing has been delayed six times since the case was filed on Aug. 12th, 2019.
She used to work for BlackRock Financial out of Dallas.
One of Joe Biden’s best friends, Tom Donilon, is Chairman of BlackRock Financial.
He also is Chairman of the Aspen Institute.
Aspen is a subsidiary of the CIA.
Details are in this story:
Official federal court record of Robin Longoria case as posted on Pacer.